Title: Whiskey in the Water
Fandom: How to Get Away With Murder
Story by:
revedeshautboisArt by:
delacourtings Female Character of Focus: Rebecca Sutter
Pairing/Other Characters: Rebecca Sutter/Wes Gibbins, Rebecca Sutter & Lila Stanguard
Rating: Teen
Big Bang Size: tiny
Warnings: reference to canon character death, reference to past sexual experiences, drug use
Rebecca’s pretty sure that everything would have gone to shit even if she had fucked Wes. Maybe not 100 percent, stand-up-in-court, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt sure, but pretty sure. He's not that kind of guy, right?
Maybe this was inevitable. After all, it's exactly how everyone always said she’d end up-scared, bloody, and alone.
A tragedy in six months.
Link to Story:
on AO3Link to Art::
on AO3