announcement: i'm going to ohio for a few weeks to visit some family & friends! if you live in colorado, i'll see you later. if you live anywhere in or around ohio, GET IN TOUCH & we'll meet up sometime!
i should be arriving the 3rd. WOO-HAH! i've really missed a few select people. this trip will be good for me, i'm sure of it! i'll probably come back feeling like a new person. traveling does that to me.
if i'm lucky i'll be getting some BIRTHDAY INK. HELL yes!
i couldn't be happier right now. things have been looking up as of today, & i think i can finally start piecing my life back together again. so here's to new beginnings! & wish me luck on finding a new job when i return! i've even got a new place to live lined up. damn, i'm a gypsy motherfucker! i've moved NINE TIMES, in 8 months!
i did a 2nd photoshoot with
gothicmonk42 today & i must say it went smashingly. i was the role of "assassin/exocutioner/guard/thug" with two black-blade kaytanas[sp?] & a handgun.
i'll post up the pictures from both shoots when i return. sorry, i just do not have the time for it rightnow!
i'm on top of the world, for now. >:D
don't kick me off yet!