⟶ an interesting personality quiz

Sep 01, 2018 04:38

* * * I usually find these sorts of personality quizzes to be repetitive and boring, but this one has some unique questions that allow a person's personality to shine through more. This entry is probably long enough to be placed under an LJ Cut, but I find it visually appealing so I'll leave it open. * * *

1. What season were you born in?
Summer bummer. The hottest part of the summer generally, in this neck of the woods.

2. Are you happy with your birthday? If you could pick any day to have been born, what day would it have been and why?
I don't think I'd be happy with my birthday no matter what the date would be, because my birthday makes me feel more and more disconnected from my family. When I was a kid, I disliked my birthday for different reasons, namely because the memorable ones always have attached to them a thick air of drama, some form of psychological abuse, and the feeling that I'm weird and that there's something seriously wrong with me. Additionally, I don't believe in astrology, so being a Leo has no bearing on my existence.

3. Do you believe in past lives?
No, not even a little. I believe people wanting to believe in things like past lives because it makes them feel special, and it makes them feel like their lives have meaning. So, no; personally I think it's a bunch of bullshit. But as long as it doesn't harm anyone, I'm cool with people believing whatever they want.

4. Do you believe in guardian angels?
No, not in the religious or afterlife sense, because I also don't believe in any sort of "god" or religion, and I don't believe in ghosts. I think that guardian angels can exist in the form of regular, living, real people, who set out to help others in a manner that can be defined as them acting as someone's guardian angel in real life.

5. What is your greatest talent?
I can take any compliment directed at myself and turn it around in my head, using the filter of my tortured logic, and make myself feel bad about it. I think this is because I don't feel particularly good about myself, and therefore I don't feel anyone could possibly believe or feel anything positive about or toward me. I'm also excellent at self delusion. But to answer this question in a less nonsensical way: I believe my greatest talent is nonfiction writing, especially as essays and personal memoirs, because I've had years of practice writing in those formats.

6. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one talent, what would it be?
The ability to predict the future correctly when it comes to gambling, like horse races and lottery tickets. I'd make a decent sum of money while retaining plausible deniability so as to not attract suspicion, and then I'd either never try my hand at it again, or I'd wait a long time before doing it again, or I'd just move from country to country.

7. If you had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks due to illness, who would you want to be your roommate during that time? (Note: has to be someone alive today.)
My boyfriend, James, but only if he wasn't also ill. I spent a long time in the hospital a couple months ago, and James stayed in my room with me the entire time, keeping me company and waiting on me hand and foot. However, if my roommate had to also be ill in a non-lethal way, I'd choose one of my siblings, so we could recuperate together and use our time together to get to know each other better. If my roommate had to be ill in a terminal way, I'd pick James's oldest brother, The Oaf (half of The Moron Twins, the other half being his wife, The Runt), so I could watch him suffer horribly, taunt him the entire time he was dying, document his slow and painful death, and try to keep him alive for as long as possible in order to prolong his agony.

8. If you could kill one person (alive at the moment) and get away with it, who would it be and why? (Note: pretend that you wouldn't be breaking any moral laws ... in other words, don't wimp out and say you wouldn't kill anyone, you know you would!)
James's oldest brother, and our roommate, The Oaf. Having lived with him for almost an entire year, I know for certain that the world would be a better place without him, and James's family would be much happier. He has forced me to realize that I am capable of intense hatred and terrifying murder fantasies; ghastly things I never expected to imagine or feel. I hate The Oaf with the force of a violent atomic split.

9. If you could go back and live for 2 weeks in ANY time period and in any part of the world you wanted, when would it be and where? (Note: going back wouldn't change history, you would merely be an observer.)
The French Revolution, when the king and queen of France was beheaded. I would love to be among the crowd in the days leading up to this event, be present for the event, and to experience the days following it.

10. What do you believe the most useful invention of the 20th century was? (Note: has to be a single invention, can't be the *development* of anything or a series of inventions.)
The internet, even the most basic version of it during WWII, or back when it was only used for universities to share data sets, and the evolution of it from then on, is the most important invention of the 1900s, in my opinion. I guess I'm an information junkie.

11. If you had to pick up and relocate to another country, never to return to your home country again, what country would you move to, and why?
I haven't given this question too much thought, but off the top of my head I would choose Iceland. I've never been there, but I have friends who have, and between their experiences and what I've read about it, it sounds like the place for me.

12. What book do you wish you had written?
A World Lit Only by Fire by William Manchester, published in 1992. Check out the Wikipedia article about it. It's my favorite dry historical take on the daily lives of every day people during the medieval era, full of so many facts that you can envision yourself being there. Their lives were so vastly different from our own that for the reader to be able to get this close to accurately imagining life as one of those people means the book is incredibly well researched and brilliantly written. I would love to be a nonfiction author of such impressive historical feats.

13. What is the one historical event you would change (as in, erase it completely from ever happening)?
I would prevent Andrew Wakefield from ever being taken seriously. I would make it so he never became a doctor in any capacity, never had funding for any sort of bogus research, and never led to the infection of the minds of parents, to the point where they still refuse to vaccinate their children to this day, despite him being brutally discredited and stripped of his doctorate title.

14. If you could own any famous painting and hang it in your house, which one would you pick?
The Triumph of Death by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, circa 1562. It has been my favorite painting since childhood. When I was very ill at the age of 11 or 12, I used color pencils to draw details from this painting, and I still have those drawings in my art portfolio. This painting really speaks to me. I also love this weird little poem that was in the same book I read when I first discovered the painting. Here's my favorite stanza:

Nor crown nor coin can halt times flight,
Or stay the armies of the night.
King and villain, lad and lass,
All answer to the hourglass.

15. What moment in your life do you wish you could live over again?
That one Friday night, after getting paid at work, when James and I each bought a gram of really good heroin. We had all weekend to look forward to: get high together, sleep as much as we wanted, and do whatever we wanted together. I know it may sound stupid, that I would pick that as my Groundhog Day, but if you asked James I'm certain he would agree with me.

(If you'd like to fill out this quiz as well but you're feelin' lazy, you're in luck! I created that cute and handy HTML textarea block below. Simply highlight all the text inside the box, copy it, paste it in your journal, and write your answers.)

1. What season were you born in?

2. Are you happy with your birthday? If you could pick any day to have been born, what day would it have been and why?

3. Do you believe in past lives?

4. Do you believe in guardian angels?

5. What is your greatest talent?

6. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one talent, what would it be?

7. If you had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks due to illness, who would you want to be your roommate during that time? (Note: has to be someone alive today.)

8. If you could kill one person (alive at the moment) and get away with it, who would it be and why? (Note: pretend that you wouldn't be breaking any moral laws ... in other words, don't wimp out and say you wouldn't kill anyone, you know you would!)

9. If you could go back and live for 2 weeks in ANY time period and in any part of the world you wanted, when would it be and where? (Note: going back wouldn't change history, you would merely be an observer.)

10. What do you believe the most useful invention of the 20th century was? (Note: has to be a single invention, can't be the *development* of anything or a series of inventions.)

11. If you had to pick up and relocate to another country, never to return to your home country again, what country would you move to, and why?

12. What book do you wish you had written?

13. What is the one historical event you would change (as in, erase it completely from ever happening)?

14. If you could own any famous painting and hang it in your house, which one would you pick?

15. What moment in your life do you wish you could live over again?

quotes, writing, the oaf, drugs, coding, heroin, tweaking, code:textarea, quizzes, the moron twins, public posts, relationships, the runt, personality flaws, poetry, html, illness, literature

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