(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 16:05

You know what annoys the hell out of me? (And I'll even make it public)

People who think doing their part means nothing more than attacking the President's intelligence. Do these people show any signs that their much smarter, or involve themselves in activism? Usually the answer I have found is "no". They fulfill their good deed duty by sitting on LJ communities and making posts about how stupid the man is. I wonder what the average age of these people are? Because when that's all they have to bring to the table, my eyes see 13 year olds giggling at the wonderful joke they've made.

It's no secret that he's not the best speaker in the world (and that's a gross understatement), but that doesn't have to reflect what his IQ, not everyone is a good speaker. It's no secret that he has had a less than stellar history in matters of business. But what does that say about his intelligence?

It says that here's a man who had a drug/alcohol problem that got in the way of his work. It also says that he's a spoiled rich kid who can get out of trouble when he has to, and move onto the next career that he did nothing to earn. It doesn't say he's stupid.

Am I defending him? Hell no. Guys, you know me better than that.

My point is that no one stops to think that perhaps he wants to be underestimated by pretentious democrats, and intellectual elitists. And I have to say, thus far it's worked wonderfully. The "opposition" didn't have a chance in hell, and that's even after the botched debates and oh-so-funny internet cartoons. He has proven time and time again than he's a political genius, and even if that is all the people behind the man, he has the good sense to surround himself with people that are. He's proven that he can get the things that he wants done, by whatever means he has to, and the consequences be damned. He has proven that he has the leadership skill to lead the uneducated masses to whatever destination he desires.

If you're laughing at him, you're not fearing him, and that's mistake number one. He knows exactly what he is doing, and he does things with ruthless efficiency that should scare the shit out of each and every one of you.

Iraq, you say? He didn't have an exit plan? No, but who's the say that wasn't his plan all along? Of course they don't have their "democracy", or their constitution, of course we're still over there, and people are still dying, and was his plan really to fight terrorism or bring freedom, then he fucked up royally, but at this point do we still believe, for a second, that either of those things really mattered to him?

Katrina? He messed up the relief effort? What makes you think that wasn't, at most, deliberate, or at least, apathetic? Has nothing to do with his intelligence, a twelve year old would know people need to be helped.

9/11? Someone should have known about it ahead of time? Do any of you know about a little thing called PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY? ("Project for the New American Century is a non-profit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership.") Tacked onto their statement of principles and objectives are some names you may recognize, among them, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. "This report saw the fall of Communism as a call for America to become the military rulers of the world, to establish a new worldwide empire. They spelled out the military enhancements we would need, then noted, sadly, that these wonderful plans would take a long time, unless there could be a catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor that would let the leaders turn America into a military and militarist country."

Mind you, this report was made BEFORE 9/11. And it looks like they got their "catastrophic and catalyzing event", and it couldn't have been better for their political agenda. Honestly, where would Bush be if he couldn't bring up 9/11 to scare people into compliance? He wouldn't have half the power he does if it had never happened.

Mistake number two, people, you're slipping.

He's in the Skull and Bones. Has been since college. In 2004, he admitted to still being a part of it, on Meet the Press. But we've been over all of this, and you'll have to research them for yourself. These people groom Presidents and CEO's, he's been preparing for this his whole life.

The fact of the matter is that most of America isn't all that bright. The red states want an average man, someone they see as being like them, someone who slips up when he speaks, and doesn't seem to know the answers to everything. They want someone they can see having a meal with, or something as quaint as that. And he has played that part, and he's played it beautifully. And it's worked, and the more we knock his intelligence the more they rally behind him, because that's what they love about him, and he knows it.

Why else would their be an obvious connection between red states and the states with the lowest quality of education?

But this man? For the love of God, guys, stop acting like he's a funny clown to be made fun of. You're doing exactly what he and his want you to do.
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