Luv Poem

Jan 27, 2012 15:51

Lately I've been having the same dream
over and over where
for some reason we are both
kidnapped while in some
Southern State Town,
tied up in some
rusty shack while this 
greasy, sweaty looking fat guy with 
just overalls and work boots on 
stares at me and grins a toothless
smile, looks almost through me and
says "Who's asshole m'i loosinin first, yers er hers?"
Thing is, I knew we were 
both about to be 
anally raped by
some hick with a hard on and
a shotgun aimed at us but
in that moment that seemed
longer than a moment,
the only thing I could say, all I could come
up with was to say to the bastard
 "Rape me first" 
with my soul reasoning
behind it being:
hopefully I can make this so good 
for the horny prick, give him
the best fuck of his life, tighten
up the ole sphincter, tell him how big
he is, call him daddy, pull out all
the tricks so when
he finishes with me, and tries
to move on to you, he'd be too tired
too wore out and too satisfied
to do much harm
to you.

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