May 16, 2010 21:30

[There's some rustling as the comm is jostled on. After a moment or two of silence, there's snoring. Loud snoring. Hancock is on his side, sleeping off his latest hangover. Are you being disturbed, Fellow Elegante Passenger? WELL TOO BAD! Hancock really doesn't care. That is until he's woken up.

He groans. Ugh. Pounding headache.]

The hell do you want?

[Pause. Wait. This isn't the park bench where he passed out last night. This is a...bed. After another silence, you'll hear Hancock clapping.]

Y'all are the dumbest kidnappers. Yeah just leave me here. And give me some weird G.I. Joe shit.

[He's found the comm. And now he's getting up and ripping the door off it's hinges. Eh. He'll hang a curtain up later when he's been corrected.]

where the booze at, kind of like a hero or something, i don't like being not drunk, professional drunk, hungover, the hell i'm on a boat for?

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