Because it had to be said.

Jun 13, 2019 17:43

So.Went and saw Dark Phoenix.

(no real spoilers)

Let me preface this by saying that I have been a fan of Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix for 30 years.

Thirty years.

She is my favorite comic book character. Forever.

And Simon Kinberg destroyed her.

The movie had ZERO character development, and was a series of boring dialogue after boring dialogue.

Even characters we already knew and loved, like Nightcrawler and Quicksilver, had no personality, nor a sliver of the welcomed and needed comic relief they usually bring.

While stunningly beautiful due to CGI, this movie is a dud.

if you haven't gone to see it yet, don't.

Jean deserves better.

The good bits:

Ororo (Storm) is outstanding, beautiful, and has an African accent, which she should have!!

Jean is simply beautiful, and sweet, as she should be.

Jessica Chastain looked *amazing* (not necessarily good), and I wish her character had starred in another movie entirely.


Professor X was written out of character.

The Beast was used to get the plot going, and was made to act totally OCC, as well.

Relationships had no depth, apart from characters *saying* that they did.

The writer inserted more "problems" than needed. The Dark Phoenix should be enough. But he didn't seem to know that.

I love James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender but they were not allowed to shine.

Jennifer Lawrence needs to go back into retirement to "try and fix democracy," like she said she was going to do. Idiot.

Cyclops is still meh. Like in every other movie.

Apparently, this movie was ready in 2017, but the entire 3rd act had to be redone because audiences had not liked.

They should have started fresh with a whole new writer/director.

The failure of this movie is the fault of writer and director Simon Kinberg. Only.

He said he was inspired by Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. Except they did not have boring dialogue.

And Jean Grey is the very opposite of Bruce Wayne.

She is sunshine and the scent of flowers, she is bright smiles and pure love. And she can literally destroy the Earth, with her mind.

She is my girl and I adore her.
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