[ OOC ] Relationships Post

Sep 02, 2020 01:16


Here will pretty much be any relationships that Takao has here in Discedo. I'll try to keep this as updated as possible, but if you happen to think that a character of yours should be on here, then done hesitate to tell me~ ♥

[ HIWATARI KAI :: ☆☆☆☆☆ ] Kai is one of closest friends and rival. Despite having rough times with him, and many arguments, Takao still manages to keep his friendship with Kai at it's highest, along with the rivalry that comes along with it. Kai's one of the people that Takao trusts most.

[ YURIY IVANOV :: -- ] Takao and Yuriy don't exactly get long. The main reason for this is because of the time difference between the two, and the fact that Yuriy was one of Takao's major opponents where Yuriy was taken.

[ KON REI :: ☆☆☆☆☆ ] Being part of his team, Rei is one of Takao's closest friends, despite the time different between the two of them. Like Kai, Rei is one of the people who Takao trust most.

[ BORIS KUZNETSOV :: ☆☆ ] For some odd strange reason, Takao and Boris don't at all fight as much as Yuriy and Takao do. This may change upon more interaction though.

[ HINAMORI AMU :: ☆☆☆ ] Amu is one of those females that Takao was able to get along pretty quickly unlike Hiromi cough cough. Takao has a feeling that she is one that he'll be able to get along well, especially with some similarities that they have.

[ REGNO D'ITALIA/ITALY (FELICIANO VARGAS) :: ☆☆☆☆ ] Mun is lazy and can't think of any explination for this one She's tired and needs to go to sleep so mun will say that Takao and Italy are Pasta Buddies. She'll revise this later when her brain is working.

ooc, relationships

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