Gwen/Ianto AU vid - Pieces

Oct 21, 2009 14:36

My latest Gwen/Ianto vid!  I hope you all enjoy!  Feel free to comment and let me know your opinions. xD

This is very AU. Alot of the storylines are switched around for the vid.

Storyline: Ianto dies and Gwen and Jack are devastated. Gwen has lost Tosh and Rhys and now Ianto. When Jack and Gwen bring Suzie back (same storyline in They Keep Killing Suzie except it is after Ianto and Tosh's death), Gwen remembers those she lost but mainly Ianto. Gwen dies and go to another universe where everyone is alive and Torchwood was how it used to be (including Ianto and Owen's bickering ;) ). Meanwhile, Jack is trying to save Gwen and bring her back to the real world. Back in Gwen's world, Gwen is comforted by Ianto as she still remembers the real world and her losses. Jack is still trying to save Gwen and she is living her life in her own world and marrying Ianto. A portal shows up and both Gwen and Ianto know she is about to go through. She returns to the real world and sits with Ianto's body and hears the sounds of her world and Ianto's ghost. Jack takes her to the countryside and they look up at the stars remembering Ianto.

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vids, gwen/ianto, torchwood

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