The first three are all in one post.
We're HopelessAuthor:
boombangbingPrompt Word: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to believe." - Laurence J. Peter.
Main Character(s): Peter, Nathan.
Rating: PG-13 for adult themes, angst and implied incest.
Word Count: 282
Summary: Peter talks to Nathan about Claire.
Spoilers: 1x19 onwards. No spoilers for S2.
What I Dream Of.Summary: Peter knows what he wants, and can't have it.
Prompt: “Come live in my heart and pay no rent.” - Samuel Lover (author's choice)
Word Count: 168
Universal.Summary: How To Stop An Exploding Man goes a bit differently.
Prompt: "Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives." - A. Sachs.
Word Count: 373
Warning: AU.
Scared Of Failure, So Scared Of SuccessPrompt Word: There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it." - George Bernard Shaw.
Main Character(s): Peter/Claire, Angela, Hiro et al.
Rating: PG-15 for adult themes, angst and incest.
Word Count: 2,432
Summary: The aftermath.
Spoilers: Season one. AU for season two.
*breathes out*