Title: Darkness wasn't her friend
Author: Nat
Prompt Word: Dark
Main Character(s): Maya Herrera (with Alejandro)
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 212
Summary: Darkness was always around Maya, but she didn't like the fact that it became her constant friend.
Authors Note(s): n/a
The darkness in the back of the truck was almost like a thick blanket. No one talked, everyone was too scared to. Maya kept as close to her brother as she could, her hand grasping around his arm as she read the book with what little light was available. When she couldn't see the words any longer she stared directly ahead. She knew an older male sat across from her. She could sense his fear as they went over each bump that seemed to jolt the truck and cause her to shake and lean closer to her brother.
Then the truck stopped and Maya and Alejandro were taken and talked to. When Maya was dragged away from her brother by the driver, Maya screamed. Her hands fighting to hold onto tree branches, bushes, whatever her hands would desperately cling to, she did. Then she killed them all, even the innocent people in the past and she slunk down onto the ground against the truck and cried. The darkness surrounding her again, the only sounds were her cries, there were no other sounds around the area, except the sounds of her brother approaching and then slipping down beside her to hold her.
Darkness was never Maya Herrera's friend, and it never would be.