Can I Keep You? [1/?] - Prompt - Writer's Choice: Emotions

Dec 02, 2007 23:37

Title: Can I Keep You? [1/?]
Author: gabbyfics   
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Caitlin
Word Count: 168
Rating: G
Warnings: For varietypack100 and heroes15 and heroesprompts while x-posted to peter_caitlin and my personal journal gabbyfics
Summary: Caitlin and Peter's POV on being together..

Caitlin: Well?
Peter: Well what?
Caitlin: This is it. your box. Your life. Are you gonna open it or what?
Peter: What if it's a life I don't want? When I had Will against the wall, I could've killed him. I wanted to. What if that's who I am?
Caitlin: But you didn't kill him, did you?
Peter: No, that's because of you.
Caitlin: It's not because of me, Peter. Your a good soul. I can tell.
Peter: What if I open this box and I find otherwise?
Caitlin: Do you like the way you are right now? (he shakes his head yes) Do you like who you are right now? (he shakes his head yes again) Well, then maybe for now just leave it be. (she moves in to kiss him)

As they kiss, the only thing going through Caitlin’s mind was that she knows one day he is going to have to open that box. On one side, she wants to know who and what he is, what makes him the man who can do all the extraordinary things he can do. On the other hand, she knows if he opens it she’ll lose him to whatever is inside. She is sure to her very soul that whatever is in that box will be something that will pull at his very soul and rip him from her like a tornado ripping through a field and once its gone, so is what you hold dear; Peter. Already she is falling for him. Already she knows that and hates it. Why couldn’t he just have been ‘the prisoner’? Why did he have to be so special? Why did he have to be so damn sexy? Why did he have to save her? Why did he have to be a hero?


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