Housekeeping Note: Towns, Links, and more AUs for your buck (but not Bucky -- he's Tasha's)

Apr 29, 2013 11:22

Goooood Morning! Time for a Healthy Breakfast. Don't worry, your kids will eat it.

So. As work is incredibly slow today, I'm going to try to do a bit of clean-up on the comm as well as some additions. I'll be working on fleshing out the town sections a bit more and switching up some of the DC information, based on the polling results of a few weeks ago.

Also, in the spirit of creating cross-overs of dooooom (which we have been doing so well), the other high school AUs will be getting a spot in the comm -- a bit of information about their town, their school, etc. This way there is one stop shopping for all your cracktastic rp needs. I've talked to the people heading the musical and OUAT AUs so those will be inserted first, with Shakespeare hopefully to follow.

After all, everything has its heroes, right?

And lastly, you might notice the sticky entry is gone. That's because I am currently working on some side links that will make navigation easier without taking up the whole first page and making it hard to see new entries.

I think that's it. As you all know...I'm always open to questions, comments, suggestions...anything to make this better.

what: housekeeping note

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