One Giant Leap (CastlexHeroesxNCIS)

Aug 10, 2011 19:26

Title: One Giant Leap
Series:   Zeitgeist
Fandoms: Castle, Heroes, NCIS; others hinted.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Sci-fi, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Time travel, pre-slash (or slash, 'cause, you know, time-travel), crossover, AU, future!fic.
Wordcount: 8,269
Characters/Pairings: Castle--Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan.  Heroes--Micah Sanders, Noah Bennet, mentions of others.  NCIS--Anthony DiNozzo.
Summary: "I know this is crazy, but it's real. When it's over, go ahead and believe it was all a dream. You'll know better soon enough. I can't give you much without risking events still ahead of you. You've been pulled into the future. Your future. My present."
Details:  Originally posted for ryanandesposito's July ficathon, this is a prologue to a longer fic universe, and mostly Castle-centric.  Future stories in this 'verse will tie in more strongly with Heroes.  I'm fudging the timeline for both shows to make this work. Takes place after "Last Call" but before "Nikki Heat" for Castle, and both pre- and post-"Brave New World" for Heroes (which is confusing, but hopefully you'll get what I mean).

Suddenly all the fake vampires, psychics, alien abductions, and curses felt like some sort of twisted dress rehearsal. )

tpe: slash, fanfic, heroes, rating: pg-13

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