Part 1 (Thank you to everyone who commented on that batch!)
Sylar/Mohinder puppets post @ mylar_ficall puppets @ my site I drew 12 more silly hand-puppet fanart, this time of Peter, Charlie, Eden, Sylar, Nathan, Mr. Muggles, Mohinder, Jackie, Zach, Claire, and Mr. Bennet. There are also some icons at the bottom.
I'd appreciate credit for the icons, but it's not requited. Feel free to make your own icons or graphics from the pictures above if you want.
This will probably be the last of the puppets, but if you have a really specific request, feel free to leave a comment and I'll consider doing it. I don't want to guarantee anything, though, seeing as my drawing-muse is annoyingly fickle (sorry).
I hope you enjoyed the silliness!