Gender: f
Do you mind being stamped as a comic-only character? Is there anyone you would be against being stamped as? I prefer a TV character
Do you want to be stamped as male, female, both, or no preference? no preference, vote me as any one character you think I'm most like!
Describe your personality to us. Include strengths and weaknesses: I've always sucked at describing myself

Positive qualities: nice, funny, smart, open-minded, interesting, friendly, easygoing, determined, creative, enduring, spontaneous, adaptable
Negative qualities: irritable, lazy, sometimes mean, emotional, frustrated, paranoid, worrisome, insecure, overconfident, apathetic, self-conscious, impatient
Neutral qualities: complex, silly, sarcastic, stubborn, reflective, observant
Tell us your likes: delicious good food, movies, adventure, traveling, laughing at things, whatever I'm obsessed with at the moment, stuff, the sky
Tell us your dislikes: annoying people, people who touch my stuff without permission, having to repeat myself, unintentional stupidity, failing at life, barf
Do you have any talents? I'm resourceful, a fast learner, and have a very good memory. I'm also decent at art apparently, but I think I'm too much of a perfectionist for that.
Leader, follower, or loner? definitely loner, I'm independent and don't see myself as either a leader or a follower.
Optimist, pessimist, or realist? all of them, depending on my mood and the situation. actually, I think I'm idealistic too. this doesn't mean I'm optimistic, but I don't deny possibilities if they exist.
Outgoing, reserved, or in between? reserved, but I have no problem talking with people.
Energetic, calm, or in between? I'm not sure. maybe calm, unless I'm excited about something.
Logical, emotional, or in between? a lot of both
Cautious, impulsive, or in between? I'm pretty cautious, but oftentimes I'm too lazy to be cautious and say to hell with it.
List four values you find important, and why you chose them:
intelligence, because I think it's important to not be stupid, and because people could always use more knowledge, logic, common sense, blahdeblah
originality, because it's so much more interesting.
fairness, because I think people should be able to have what they deserve or not have what they don't deserve. sure life isn't always fair, but that doesn't mean you can use that as an excuse to treat people unfairly.
strength of will, because it can be pretty powerful and it's something I always try to have.
How about your dreams and aspirations? ugh, I always have trouble answering this question, so I keep giving the same answer: I don't know. it's not that I'm unambitious, I just want so many things that I don't know what really is important.
What motivates you? I wish I knew. I'm such an unmotivated person. I'm guessing it's if I want something badly enough, because I know I can accomplish things if I put my mind to it. I just wish I could make myself want certain things badly enough and not other things, so I'd have the right motivation to get on with my life and stop being so apathetic.
Do you believe in destiny or free will? free will. of course you can also argue, for example, people are destined to make certain choices because of their personalities or the type of people they are, but I still don't think everything in the world is predetermined. maybe some things are more likely to happen or some people are more likely to make certain choices, but the choice is still there.
Do the ends justify the means? I don't know, this really depends.
Are good and evil easily defined or is it more complex than that? Where do you stand? complex. I think people have parts that are good and parts that are bad in them. also it depends on what you consider to be good or evil.
You just found out you have a destiny. What does that destiny involve? Is it something you're willing to do, or would you try to change things somehow? If so, would changing things be for your own personal gain or for someone else? I like to think I'm destined for something totally and gloriously amazing, but I really don't know. of course I'll go with it if it's something I like, and I'll only change the things that I don't want. and yes, I admit being selfish and doing it all for personal gain.
However, someone doesn’t like what your destiny involves and they want to stop you. What are you going to do about it? do whatever I was doing and make sure they won't succeed in stopping me as I go. get them before they get me. I'd like to know what is up with that person though, like how and why they want to stop me.
A complete stranger is about to die because of something you did, how do you react? Do you save them despite possible repercussions? depends on what the repercussions are/could be. I don't want to take any big dumb risks or put myself in danger for them. and it depends if the stranger is about to die because of an accident or something I did on purpose. if it's an accident I might try to save them, but if it was on purpose then I probably knew this would happen anyway and I'm not going to do anything.
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