2x08 - Four Months Ago

Nov 13, 2007 12:58

After two weeks of no episode metas from me, I'm back! And what an episode to come back on. Wow.

Isaac's (Peter's) Canvas
There is little to touch on at this point, since so many questions have been answered and everyone's next step remains shrouded in so much mystery, but I would like to mention a couple of things.

Save Caitlin, Save the World - Okay, so maybe saving her won't save the world, but it would go a long way toward helping the show, I feel. Regardless of that, I believe Peter's "rescue" of Caitlin is not going to involve him thrusting himself back into the future. Instead, he will work to stop the virus before it starts, changing the future around Caitlin. Greg Beeman's blog backs me up on this.

Adam Monroe, Morally Grey Hero - I believe that while the means to Adam's world saving may be a bit unconventional, his intentions remain noble. I believe he is sincere when he says that he wants to save the world. I think his lashing out against the Elders is a way of seeking revenge for his incarceration. As for Kaito, that was obviously a strike at Hiro, as well. But did I or did I not CALL IT when I said he'd end up being the one behind the conspiracy!? SCORE!

Major Themes and Symbolism

The Power of Pictures - The episode opens with Peter taking a good, long look at Nathan's picture and triggering total recall within himself because of it. Later in this same episode we see "Gina" depart when Niki sees a picture of herself with her family. I think this can also be found in Nathan when he gazes at his own reflection, and from that moment on becomes scarred by what he sees. This show enjoys imparting the psychological reactions people have when faced with something vivid and visual.

Fine Line of Sanity - Both Elle and Niki have severe psychological issues that stem from their powers. On one hand, Niki fights a continuous battle to be normal and provide a proper life for her family, while Elle has allowed herself to fall prey to her powers entirely. Both women represent opposite sides of a coin, and as much as it is being said that Claire and Elle are the opposites, I feel Niki fits that role for Elle much better.

Control or Lack Thereof - When Peter "volunteers" himself for the Company program, he is later forced to reassess his role there and whether or not he is a prisoner. By this same token, Elle appears to be a person in power over him, but she herself is just a tool of the Company and has been for the majority of her life. The Haitian is supposed to be in the Company's employ, but he himself often disregards orders for what he feels is a better solution. And lastly, Adam seizes control over his destiny again by getting Peter to help him escape.

The Sensitive Subject of Race

This is something I would have never seen myself bringing up until now, but it's come to my attention a great deal since last night's episode. I found it a bit bothersome that after surviving a gunshot wound, D.L. died of a gunshot wound. Then I realized that most of the gun violence represented on the show has been in reference to the African-American characters (Simone was shot twice, Monica's workplace was robbed at gunpoint). I'll readily admit that if you look for the devil, you will find him in every woodpile, and the same goes for things like racism and poor portrayals of women in media. It was simply an observation, that's all. What are your thoughts on this?


-Perhaps this is just me being slow, but what exactly is Angela's power? Is she psychic? Or is it that she has a heightened influence on people?

Fangirl Corner

D.L. WAS BACK! And then he got shot again. BOO! But at the very least he got to kick a great deal of ass and make sexual remarks toward his wife before he died. Still... *misses him even more than before!*

Elle is getting on my nerves, big time. First off, she cut Peter's hair. That is UNFORGIVABLE! There is no excuse for that. If she really thought he was that damn hot, then she should clearly be able to see that he is even hotter with his lovely hair. Then there's the torture, the fact that she turned Peter into a pill whore, her really lackluster background story... I'm bored with her already. I do have to say that I called it when I mentioned in other discussions that I felt Peter and Elle's relationship was going to consist of this possessive element from her and a very detached, manipulative element from him. Win for me!

NATHAN!!! There was too little of him in this episode, and he was awfully pitiful when we did see him, but at least this makes it even more plain why he turned to the booze the way he did. And I now know that the burns were quite literal.

Team Prison Sex FTW! Okay, so maybe not prison sex... But seeing Adam and Peter getting to know one another and working together to escape was just magical. This is part of why I am rooting for Adam so sincerely, because I want him to be good. I want for Peter to be right in following him. I want them to stay a TEAM! And how cool was it that the Haitian totally kicked Peter's ass? I don't normally like seeing Peter get hurt at all, but because it was the Haitian, it's okay. :p

I have been trying to imagine some kind of sick, rough sex between Elle and Adam that he hinted at... and the images won't come. Every time I try, I end up going "DO NOT WANT!" and blocking it out. She just doesn't need to have sex with anyone. Sorry.

And I had nothing to say about Maya and Alejandro... They were barely in this episode, and it was really just more the same. :/

2x08 - four months ago

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