Thanks to the miracle of Victoria Day in Canada (I love 3 day weekends) the meta is up ON TIME! BEFORE THE EPISODE! *shock*
WOW! There are suddenly 92 people with "heroes_meta" in their interests and this comm is watched by 276.
I am....flabbergasted. Thanks so much to all the members who make this comm awesome and to everyone who's pimped the comm itself. I can't wait for the finale tonight and I'll be really sad writing up the final meta. Rmemeber, you can always use the tags to go back and read old meta if you are a recent member.
BUT! I've got some ideas on ways to pass the summer, so hopefully they will work.
Since there are so many new people I'm going to repeat the rules:
+ Your post must be public, or you must have friended one of the moderators
+ Your post must contain "heroes" in the subject or tag. Remember: I loooove the people who actually put "heroes_meta" in their post. Also, they will benefit next season, because I will ONLY be looking at those posts. (To save time looking at Heroes fic and/or icons, it takes hours doing this and I just want to make it a bit easier)
+ You must have "heroes_meta" in your interests.
+ No fandom wank/hate! Please be civil and feel free to thank people if they made you laugh or link me if I've forgotten something. I'm always willing to add new meta!
EDIT: New meta added May 24th in red.
Once again, you guys brought out the hilarity in full force, this is one of the best collections of meta in my opinion, so without further ado,
I'm really disappointed that this episode was called "Landslide" and not once did any of the characters sing Fleetwood Mac. That may be some sort of minor travesty.
That security guard totally didn't believe them, he was just worried they'd tell everyone about the porn. It was all:
Matt: You must know me because we met in this place and with these people I couldn't possibly otherwise know about unless I was a mindreader which is ridiculous right?
Guard: ...Sorry, I have to see your ID.
Matt: ...
Guard: ...
HRG: ...
Matt: ...Porn.
Guard: Crap! Right! Come right in.
cazrolime And omg, Matt, Thompson was sneaking up to you with a gun, COME ON, WHERE IS YOUR COP SENSE? You should have been able to feel his presence or something! Maybe that's why you didn't become a detective :/ because dyslexia shouldnt affect your ability to THINK.
chanelcoco So I'm not sure if a show is supposed to have a limit on cheesy, badass quips, but I'm a) pretty sure that HRG alone has passed that mark tenfold, and b) hope they continue to, because seriously, they're awesome.
chibirhm I wonder how long they stood there, the 3 of them.
Mohinder: Oww. HRG, can we have a break? My arms hurt. I don't have superpowers.
HRG: Right, me too.
*does arm exercises together while Molly sobs into the curtain*
chanelcoco Sorry, Claire, but if anyone should wear a cape and fight crime, it's Papa Bennet - with his adorkable sidekick, Telepathboy!
akire-yta The solution is so simple. I mean, they can't use Molly for tracking if she's dead, but they also can't use her for tracking if the Super-Schlubs have kidnapped her, right? They'd need Molly to find Molly! I don't think she'd even really mind getting to be with Matt. And Mohinder could join them! Poor Ted left a job opening, after all.
acaciaonnastik Molly: Are you sure you really want to know where Sylar is?
Mohinder: Yes, because I love him and want him I mean because I'll then kill him.
aheartfulofyou Anyone else want to see that scene cut from Mohinder, to HRG, to Molly sighing on the floor and playing with a tea set like "Ya'll have been pointing those guns at each other for forty five minutes. We know Mr. HRG isn't going to shoot me because HE has a daughter and he can't do it because I am a little girl with abilities, much like his own daughter. We know you aren't going to do it, Mr. Mohinder, because you're pretty but you're a wuss. I've been hanging out with you for less than a week now and *I* know that. So why don't you both put the gun down, call Mr. Matt in here and we'll all have some pretend tea and cookies? Mr. HRG, you can sit by my teddy bear, and Mr. Mohinder, you can sit next to the doll in the pink dress. Mr. Matt can sit by me 'cause he's cool and he saved me from the boogeyman."
And then everyone just kind of looks at one another, shrugs and does as the sickeningly cute ten year old says.
byakuganchick Mohinder's all "Crap, two burly men with guns! Perhaps pressing my fingertips against the door will stop them opening it!" He's been spending too much time with the telekinetic, methinks. And then he suddenly goes "No, crap, that's a stupid plan" and pegs it. Good man
Claire honey, if I were you I would've smacked Peter in the head. Possibly with the gun still in my hand. "Omg what's the matter with you??? Here I was having this really super sweet moment with my daddy whom I was JUST TELLING YOU that I missed, and you have to go all nuclear and freak everyone out!!! And then you go and freak me out some MORE by telling me to freaking SHOOT YOU...AND THEN YOU FIGURE OUT YOU CAN CONTROL IT?????
somethingastrue The thing is that I really really really wish Peter and Claire weren't related. Really, my shipper heart can't take it. It's like waving steak in front of a dog's nose, but then yanking it away before the poor thing can eat it.
What I want to know is why neither Matt, Ted, or HRG (especially HRG) are like "WTF, why does the fucking SIXTEEN year old gave a goddam gun?!"
threthiel9 I would pay out the ass to see a road trip with Ted, Pete, and Claire. They'd totally be fighting over the radio, and Ted would be like "Revenge is cool, let's listen to some angry thrash metal, or something!", and Peter would be like "No way man, this calls for some angsty/emo shit!" and Claire would be like "Omigod, Backstreet Boys!" And she would win.
threthiel9 Ted, Claire, and Peter would have been the best road trip EVER, like, even better than Ted, HRG, and Matt. That's probably what upsets me most about Ted's death - there is a distinct lack of road trips in the future that feature him. This is Heroes, not Little Miss Sunshine.
chibirhm Claire wants to be an actual superhero and go on Buffy-esque patrols. *Dies* I'd certainly like to see more of them using their powers to help others next season, and I can certainly see Claire to be the type to do so: I love how she's matured over the course of the seaso
glorfindelghost But WAAAAAAHHHHH, why we hafta kill Ted? We likes the puppy-man! He burns bright! And compels us to switch to Geico, and saves us 15% (or more!) on car insurance!
threthiel9 Okay, seriously. That was really anti-climactic. Peter starts to explode and everyone freaks and this is the cliffhanger, right? And then Claire pulls the gun out of her little girly purse (which I have to say, I found really amusing for some reason), and then Peter's all like "Wait, wait! Okay, I'm good now. Just kidding."
somethingastrue can just imagine what Peter was thinking. Flying over New York City carrying his niece and this random guy he just met who likes to stand uncomfortably close to him and could explode. SUCH good times!
somethingastrue "Won't catch me in a cape, zipping around with my underwear outside my pants." Oh, come on now, Peter. That'd be a good look for you. Or maybe just underwear, that'd work too. No cape. Just underwear.
frellingblonde And Peter, please don't ever wait until the last possible second again. Saying "OMG, shoot me!...Wait, never mind" is so not cool. Not like we didn't know she wasn't really gonna cap you, or anything, but still. Heart rates are fragile things, and this show has teased us enough already!
threthiel9 Well, that was anti-climatic. I kinda wanted Peter to be all "Wait wait wait!" and Claire's like, "Nah, you said not to hesitate" *bang*
byakuganchick Poor Ted. Gone off to that big Geico commercial in the sky.
trollprincess How? How is Claire meant to stop both Peter and Ted from going into meltdown? Before, it was one injured guy and she had a jab full of tranquillizers to give him. Somehow, I think Customs would ask questions if she tried to fly a bunch of sharp pointies and knockout drugs out to this Windy Fork place.
cazrolime SYLAR
WHY is Sylar thinking his plan to himself? It just seems a little unnatural. But I guess cutting people's heads open habitually and eating their brains is also somewhat unnatural, so I won't push that
somethingastrue I find it disturbing on a psychological level that the more evil Sylar becomes, the hotter I think he is. At least the sex would be interesting.. superpower sex, that's gotta be fun. heh.
Someday I will fall in love with a nice, non-evil boy
vampedvixen Dammit, Sylar! How many times do we have to have the "You're evil and psychotic, you're not SUPPOSED to be hot!" discussion?
frellingblonde (And yes, I was totally turned on by his voice inside Peter's head. I can't help it.) Although somehow methinks staying on the streets would be a bit safer than running into a more secluded, closed in location. Just my two cents. Hahaha, but I admit, Ted's cluelessness ("What the hell, guys, who the fuck is Sylar?") is a big chunk of why I love him so much.
threthiel9 And Sylar, you are like, everything cool about both the Jedi and the Sith rolled into one. Episode III Anakin has poster's of you on his bedroom walls.
threthiel9 Sylar, the Master of Disguise! He's all like, "I'm Isaac Mendez." And I'm all like, "Uh, no. YOU CAN'T SOUND HISPANIC IF YOU TRY."
aheartfulofyou What I like about Sylar is that he's a smart guy - he successfully manipulated the FBI to get to Ted (Hi Audrey, please stay!)and even had time to pick up some ice cram as a snack whilst he was busy stalking
glorfindelghost First of all, sexy hot. Second of all, he apparently found time during his stalking to go off and buy it, which is just... mindboggling in all kinds of cool ways. "Hmm, this stalking business is giving me the munchies... what kind of food goes with tracking the person whose brain you're gonna eat? I know! Icecream!". Also, good thing he went with the cup and not the cone. If we'd seen him licking a cone it would have been me exploding and destroying New York.
lin He's so adorably creepy with his little container of ice cream. It looks like vanilla. I would never have pegged him as a vanilla person. It's a bit too unspecial for him. I think he'd eat coffee ice cream. Maybe mocha. At any rate, he's adorably creepy. I need a new word for that. Acreepable? Creporable? They just don't blend as well as adorable and dorky. But that's okay because Sylar is also Adorkable and I can use that word for the time being.
byakuganchick Fuck New Yorkers. The most threatened things on this show are brains. For crying out loud, if nothing else this entire show is turning into food porn for the zombie demographic. Which would make Sylar the Rachael Ray of the walking dead.
trollprincess HIRO/ANDO
Hah! New York life is really rubbing off on Hiro. Getting all pissed and whatnot at his fellow pedestrians. It's cute, really. Even if he does have a sword "to mend".
threthiel9 I want some of those jammies that Hiro and Sulu are wearing. Man, do those look comfy! (Needless to say, Hiro's hair in this scene is utterly fantastic! I just wanna ruffle it around for like, and hour. Whee!)
threthiel9 When Ando was like "Don't go after your dad!" I totally yelled at the screen "Oh my god, if you walk out that door we are so over." It kind of makes you wonder how closely Ando was listening to Niki and Peter's conversation in the future, because I was getting serious deja vu
chibirhm You know what, you guys? Some people ride bikes with their sons. Some go fishing. The Nakamuras teach their sons how to slit people's throats and save the world. And that's okay.
chibirhm I know people have been saying that in the story of Kensei, Ando's the heart, but I'm pretty sure Ando's the princess. And let's face it, he'd make a pretty, pretty princess
chibirhm When it was revealed that Ando left Hiro, I got "Breakin' Up Is Hard To Do" stuck in my head. It was totally inappropriate.
chibirhm When Ando went to pick up the Yellow Pages, I first thought he was looking for superglue!
gossy16Hiro so should have peeked his head out and tell Ando, he's still going to save the world and be back in a few. Instead of forgetting about him to play war with Daddy.
yaiyah In the mean time Hiro and Ando are discussing the broken sword, while Isaac's corpse lies forgotten behind them. Poor Isaac, no proper rites for him, just his friends casually talking a few feet away from his debrained cold corpse.
lin Aw, Ando's super ability is Super!Peptalks. Tee-hee. I love you so, Ando.
byakuganchick Ando, if you're looking for scotch tape, I think I will love you very much
maudlina We've reached Hiro and his father, speaking in... French! Aargh! I can't see their dialogue behind the subtitles! D: Teach me to watch episodes on fileshare sites. Ah well, I shall watch their faces and imagine they're talking about ice-cream (coincidentally tying into the Brainman's foodstuff of choice).
Hiro: Father, what is your favourite flavour?
Dad: I favour Neopolitan myself, and sometimes I eat strawberry with chocolate sprinkles.
Hiro: But father, I must find my own favourite flavour. I can eat gooseberry ice-cream, father, in enormous quantities. But I broke my spoon.
Dad: The spoon is not important. I shall teach you to eat with a spork.
Hiro: ...You, father? You eat ice-cream with a spork?
Dad: Yes. You must learn to embrace the power of the spork.
Hiro: You know of my use of the spork?
Dad: For a time I thought you wasted your spork. But now I see that you are ready to taste whole new flavours.
Hiro: Like chocolate?
Dad: If you like.
Hiro: *glee*
cazrolime NATHAN
Nathan is so in love with Hiro. He's all "Who is this crazy guy bothering-- HEY IT'S HIRO! Happyface!"
cazrolime I thought Nathan was going to kiss Hiro goodbye (ON THE CHEEK) when he bent in so close and muttered sweet nothings.... err I mean, muttered evil utterances,
chanelcoco My new personal theory is that if Nathan wasn't all political he'd be like another member of the Village People and walking around in sparkly pants. I swear to god, he's THAT GAY.
chibirhm Adrian Pasdar is such a midget. Seriously, I couldn't watch the scene between Nathan and DL, where the camera's focusing on Adrian's face and you can just see the edge of Leonard Roberts' chin in the upper corner of the screen, without breaking into giggles every five seconds and going, "Hee, he's so TINY! Aren't you just the cutest widdle politician ever. Yes you are. Yeeess you are! *pinches cheeks, ruffles hair*" The poor man.
phoenixchilde Love for finally seeing some payoff on healer!Linderman plus crippled!Heidi. Nathan/Heidi celebration-sex porn must come of this.
acacianostik Nathan's victory music is laaamme. If that's not an indication the future will suck, that is. And his entire speech is basically "OMG, look at me the biggest hypocrite."
petalsinthewind Oh great, now Heidi can walk. That's just swell. Nathan seems to think so, too... he's all "Stay in the chair until after I've won, and then we can tell everybody everything because I have such a sterling record of truthfulness, especially to my family. In fact, none of the Petrellis ever lie to each other about anything, ever!"
terebi_me And...because *I* found this amusing, you are now forced to learn that the Heroes fandom has it's very own
DRINK! (See, you can link me to anything silly and I'll probably post it. I have no standards!)