Previously on Heroes: Deleted Scenes!
(Previouslies WTF?!)
There's nothing like a flashback to something that they never showed previously to make everyone go "huh??". Yes viewers, Sylar is now living a secret life as someone called Agent Taub, yadda-di-yadda, I'm sure you can all grasp the basics. Sadly this means we don't get to see any scenes of Sylar wandering around his new home, going "Hey, nice sofa! Ooh, loving the dark paintwork!", which is just a little bit disappointing.
redscharlach Ok, now not only are the previouslies having unknown parts of scenes, but full cut scenes with crucial plot info. Show, the previouslies are supposed to recap and remind both the regular audience and the casual viewer of important plot points that have ALREADY BEEN SHOWN, not insert new information. You’re telling me you didn’t have time for a 10-second scene two episodes ago when it was relevant? Particularly when that scene establishes something so crucial as oh, say, Sylar’s cover identity for this episode? Just saying. You shouldn’t have to resort to these stopgap measures to explain your backstory, show!
jaune_chat I Am Sylar! - Yes, We Know
(Sylar & Danko)
All the people in the world you could be and you decide to be your naturally good-looking self on a park bench? Aren't you worried about people coming to get you?
talkingmetaphor We knew that Sylar has some issues but come on, cutting himself and writing 'I am Sylar' into his arm.?!
joulupuuro First emo scene with Sylar was fail. His lips didn't seem to move at all. That's not emo, that's novocaine.
tiptoe39 I'm glad this partnership has finally come to its end because I was in real danger of being sucked in during that bonding scene where Danko counseled Sylar about finding something to anchor himself to. Thank goodness that potentially sweet idea didn't go to unbelievably creepy places. Oh, wait...
starvinbohemian Danko has a pocket watch, ergo, he is secretly a Time Lord! Gallifrey only knows which one: the Master would be the predictable choice, so maybe I'll put in an outside bet on him being Romana. Perhaps someone could try shouting the name "Fred" to see if he turns around?
redscharlach Sylar reasserts his identity by SLICING HIS NAME INTO HIS FLESH!!!! Awesome! Though, you know, when Danko later talks about giving yourself an anchor when you spend your life as another person, I don’t think he meant it quite so… literally.
jaune_chat And now we're back where Danko's all Sylar. "I know you have to be yourself and I accept that.. Let us bond over a watch." Again. I'm not a slasher but this is dancing the subtext waltz. I mean Danko is really open to a serial killer who's clearly unhinged.
broken_klaive Heh, Sylar might be losing his mind, but he still manages to bring the funny by messing with Danko during the investigation at Tom’s apartment.
jaune_chat Sylar, The New Norman Bates
(Sylar & Mama!Gray)
His Daddy issues are Mommy Aunt issues again. What was the point of the all the *epic* road trip to find Samson Gray? They spent 7 episodes for nothing? Wasn't Elle's words in 3.10 enough to make him think at how pathetic he would end up if he didn't discover who he really was and wanted to be?
di_elle Oh... my... God. This crazy train went off the rails at WTF City when Sylar began smelling his dead mother's bloody sweater and then it just kept right on going straight into Schizophrenia Town. And once again, we have a crazy dude playing chess with himself just like Nathan and Head!Linderman. Solo chess is a sure sign of insanity on this show.
starvinbohemian I killed the only woman who ever loved me." WHAT ABOUT ELLE? SHE LOVED YOU. SO DID MAYA, AND YOU KILLED HER TOO.
superkappa Sylar has been Normaned! Not just the famous Norman “Psycho” Bates, but also Norman Osborn from Spider-Man. Though I will admit I think Willam Dafoe did a better job with his crazy mirror conversation between Norman and the Green Goblin than Sylar did with his mother. It’s just scarier to see the subtle shifts in the face to indicate the shift in personality than a full-on body shift. That and Zachary Quinto can’t match the inherent freakiness of Willam Dafoe’s face.
jaune_chat Damn, everyone see dead people these days. Is it the In thing in TV world, or what?
schtroumph_c Sylar gets his mommy's clothes in the mail. He smells them. As if he isn't creepy enough already. Then he goes all Norman Bates. Please to be explaining to me why girls swoon over Sylar?
broken_klaive Ever since we met Sylar's mother/aunt/whatever, Virginia, back in volume 1, I've been saying that the two of them were one wig and a rocking chair from starting their own motel. Now Norman Sylar doesn't need the wig or his mother. He can actually be her all by himself.
the_other_sandy The dialogue between Sylar / Virginia was very well written and heartbreaking. It made me feel kinda sorry for him. Sylar was such a sad psycho Puppy
lemomina I like how now that he realized his real daddy sucked, Sylar is back to his mommy issues. In the weirdest fucking way possible. Seriously.
superkappa Doing It For the Kids
(Sylar & Micah)
Speaking of people not knowing things they should know, since WHEN does Micah know all of Sylar's inner demons, especially considering SYLAR himself is just starting to figure them out? It's like an RP where the character knowledge and mun knowledge get all all mixed up.
tiptoe39 Sylar seriously needs to stick to the companions who are of legal age. Luke is one thing, but my brain pretty much died when he actually took this puppy home with him. When Sylar threatens small children and animals (i.e. Mr. Muggles) I finally see the line. The dude can kill any number of people in any variation of gruesome ways, and I'll still want to jump his bones, but killing Micah or Mr. Muggles is going to seriously make me reconsider whether an attraction to a serial killer is a good idea.
starvinbohemian "They can't see how special you are. You can save us all." - Is this foreshadowing, Micah, or is it just wishful thinking? I seem to recall that you often used to say similar things to your mother, and she was always a bit rubbish. I also note that Micah's now cultivating a rather impressive set of brows of his own, so perhaps he wants to befriend Sylar because he needs all the facial grooming tips he can get.
redscharlach Micah goes home with Sylar, and he gets freaked out watching Sylar do his Norman Bates routine. He mentions that his mom was also schitzophrenic, so he has some experience with this shit. Sylar feeling very vulnerable, so he threatens to kill Micah. Micah takes his chance to leave, but not before suggesting that Sylar become someone who can make a different (i.e. Nathan Petrelli). Great going, Micah. That will probably end well.
brighteyed_jill Later at home, Micah wakes up to see Sylar shifting between himself and his mother, and is justifiably freaked out. They have a great scene together. (ZQ and Noah Gray-Cabey, not Sylar and his mother, though they DO have a great scene.) Micah, however heroic, makes some big mistakes in talking with Sylar. Like talking about his own mother, mentioning the word ‘hero,’ and suggesting that Sylar change into Nathan Petrelli and “tell the President he’s made a big mistake.” Sylar growls “I’m giving you a chance to leave. I suggest you take it.” Noah grabs his laptop bag and jacket and scampers away. Sylar warns that if he sees Micah again he’ll kill him. He shuts the door, and we see TEARS ON SYLAR’S FACE *wibbles*
aunt_zelda Nathan On Nathan Action! Or Tooothbrushes! Gross!
(Sylar & Nathan)
They both have had a huge impact in the seasons, have been and are important persons. Once thought of brothers, I present to you Nathan and Nathan!Sylar!!!! After waiting for 3! whole volumes these two finally meet face to face (well, first Nathan's face to face with himself but later on with the real Sylar) in an epic showdown. Well, it's not epic but it's the first time they meet. "Good bye Nathan" *Sylar kill -mode*. But what is that? Well, it's Danko, who arrives, shoots Nathan, twice. Stabs Sylar not once time but two times. First into the head and at the same time into his back "metaforally" speaking. That relationship was doomed before it begun.
joulupuuro Sylar got Nathan's DNA from his TOOTHBRUSH. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW."
tiptoe39 I very possibly orgasmed when Sylar called Nathan a "bad boy." I've also come to the conclusion that Nathan's sexy suits and his copious amounts of hair gel are part of his DNA. And I am not surprised at all by this revelation.
starvinbohemian There’s the picture again, of the brothers Petrelli. Sylar misses being brothers with Peter, obviously. Cuz when he thought he was Peter's brother, he was like, "Sweet! Now I can totally tap that!" Now that they're not related, he has no chance of getting Peter into bed.
brighteyed_jill Skeevily going through Nathan’s life in his office, Sylar makes his mom stroke his ego until he gets the balls to take on Nathan’s identity. While stroking a toothbrush. Ew. One, hard to look like you’re making a Very Important Decision by stroking your thumb down a toothbrush. Two, someone else’s toothbrush. EW!!!
jaune_chat Adrian's Sylar is my favorite after Zach's.
superkappa Speaking of dumb asses, NATHAN NATHAN NATHAN. How many times do you have to almost die to get a clue. TAKE PETER WITH YOU. *sighs* Oh and writers can we please get through a volume without murdering/injuring the eldest Petrelli, the luster on that plot point has worn off. Also Adrian should begin to wonder if the writers really like him as much as they say.
godiloveslash Superman & The Crimson Arc
(Hiro & Ando)
I like the name The Crimson Arc. I'd read that comic book.
superkappa I normally really like Hiro, but I thought he was being kind of a jerk in this ep. Okay, so he's having issues with Ando being an equal instead of a sidekick. All friendships have to weather transitions. But setting up Ando not only to be darted, but to be darted four times? That's not buddies. If one of those darts was enough to bring down a person (as we've seen in the past), Ando could've seriously O.D.'d, especially since they shoved more tranquilizers up his nose as soon as they got him in the van. Not cool, Hiro.
the_other_sandy Hiro and Ando make plans and Ando reveals his super hero name. I must admit Crimson Arc is alot better than Pink Sparkler of Justice.
broken_klaive Crimson Arc is the hero name Ando has given himself. Hiro dubs it, “Dangerous yet ladylike.” I think it sounds like a euphamism for menstruation. Ando and Hiro go over their plan, which is to get Ando captured. Ando is understandably not cool with this. Are we really having the sidekick arguement again? How many times must we repeat the same arc? Get a new schtick! But when the agents burst in and Hiro freezes time, Ando is immune. Bwah?
brighteyed_jill Hiro has a plan. Oh God. Hiro’s plans are almost as bad as Peter’s plans, though at least Hiro can make the world take a time out if he needs it to regroup. And Hiro’s brilliant plan is… get Ando captured! Uh… guys, maybe it would be a good idea to NOT alert the government to the fact that Ando has an ability. Just saying. You might need one of your group to be unfettered by- No? Ok, so just let him get tazered then.
jaune_chat Hiro and Ando make the Batman/Superman shipper in my bounce around the room and word up to the hunter who figured out who Hiro was in the truck. Next time Hiro honey try to look like the guy whose clothes you put on. It's just common sense.
godiloveslash Meet The Parkmans
(Matt, Janice & Baby!Matt)
Matt has once again lost his heart in ten seconds to the woman who cheated on him in the first season. Mohinder and Daphne are so horrified by this they head off to bitch about ex-boyfriends and dads with Molly. It was nice to see Matt being smart power wise, but I would really like to see him pick a boyfriend/girlfriend and stick with them please. wouldn't even let this guy type their URL into his web browser, he dumps people so much.
godiloveslash Janice arrives and smiles, and, hate the character though I do, her smile is very pretty. Oswald (Baby!Matt) smiles too. Naaaaaw. They have a sweet group hug … and then Matt hears agents down the street watching them. Yeek. Janice proposes the summer house by the lake, he tells her to pack, he somehow manages to wrangle his way into coming along with them, though he does admit it sounds crazy, and Janice says they have a lot to talk about and seems to agree. *headdesk* Don’t save this marriage, save HRG and Sandra’s! What do you mean HRG and Sandra are beyond help? What rants that I made to that effect? Shut up! *in happy denial land*
aunt_zelda "It's so good to hear your voice, I want a life with you" - (I've always loved you Janice, Is not that just 1 episode ago I was ready to die for Daphne. Who's Daphne, again?)
di_elle Guess who's already over poor Daphne? Matt is! I love how he always jumps the gun with women. "Nice to meet you, Daphne, you're destined to have my baby!" and then "Janice, I know I abandoned you for at least a year but I'm back so we're in love again in case you were wondering, kthnx." Janice looks smokin' this episode, but I kind of wish she'd punched Matt in the face.
starvinbohemian Matt.. Matt Matt... is Daphne even cold yet?
broken_klaive In what must be considered a bona fide miracle, Matt Parkman actually remembered his powers and used them effectively tonight. First, to listen for the thoughts of the agents in the van, second to hide in plain sight when they stormed the house. That is pretty much unprecedented. Maybe there's hope for him yet. (Or maybe it's a sign of his impending death. Characters always get their shit together right before they're killed off. Damn. I am really psyching myself up for these season finale deaths.)
egoteprovoco Matt and Janice are getting ready to go, but Matt glances at his old police badge (which Janice has kept?) and has a crisis of conscience. Matt decides he has to go back and face his fears, etc., etc. Janice is like, "You love me, you don't, you want to be a part of your son's life, you don't, you want to protect us, you want to run off and be a hero. Make up your damn fool mind!"
brighteyed_jill Matt's range of mental abilities now seem to include the memory of a goldfish. Daphne is barely cold in her grave, and he's already desperate to start playing happy families with Janice. Get some grief counselling, man!
redscharlach Odds & Ends
(Mohinder, The Petrellis, The Bennets)
Angela didn't say nothing but she gifted us with her presence.
joulupuuro Not much of Noah, Claire and Angela though Angela's smile at Nathan/Sylar has me worried. Has she really changed or would she rather a crazy son in office rather than a dumb ass one.
godiloveslash Nate is going to go solo! Yeah this is going to end well. I would have HRG right at my side the whole time, but then that wouldn't lead to the misadventures of the lovers brothers. Maybe Angela's smiling because she knows how she can control Sylar easier than she can control Nathan.
broken_klaive HRG drives, Claire is in the passenger’s seat, and Angela tries to doze in the backseat. They get caught by an evil roadblock. Oh my … god. That was … systematic and creepy. It was exactly what this whole volume was supposed to be like! THANK YOU GODS ABOVE FOR BRIAN FULLER MAY HIS GENIUS NEVER FAIL!
aunt_zelda When Mohinder is standing in his dusty old shed and peering at the film reel, frame by frame, I imagine it must be like staring at a very small picspam and trying to write your own amusing captions without knowing what the original scene was about