We had no entries for the second chance challenge, so you get you next challenge a day early:)
Congratulations to our final Four!
stardust_rain brighteyed_jill dallin_dae fool_of_ships QUESTION:
Are you (the remaining 4) caught up with Season Two? I would like to use some season two characters, but don't want to spoil the writers. You can respond in a comment here, just let me know if you've watched any S2 Episodes. Thanks!
-Round One will focus on the characters (both major characters and recurring characters). What this means is that for each challenge, you will be given a specific character or characters (with a possible theme) that your fic must focus on.
- You need to be signed up in order to participate.
- You MAY skip this challenge. To request a skip, please comment
HERE Skips are no longer available.
-Entries MUST be new and must remain anonymous until after voting.
- Entries MUST be no less than 100 words and no more than 1000
- No Crossovers are allowed for this challenge.
- One entry per person only.
- You can submit entries either through comments (which are screened) or through email heroeslas@gmail.com
- If your entries require special formating (italics, bolds, strikes etc.) please send me with the proper html-coding to make sure your entry shows up the way you wanted. If you submit by mail, please make sure to include your username so that I know who you are.
- If you don't enter the challenge you will be disqualified.
Challenge #6: Niki Sanders
For the sixth challenge, your character is Niki Sanders. Your entry must focus on this character in one way or another. Pairing, genre, rating etc. is up to you. If your entries is rated R or higher, or contains any spoilers or warnings, please let me know so I can give a warning.
Entries are due Saturday November 24th - 10pm EST
If you have any question feel free to ask:) Good luck!