Title: Hath Play'd the Painter 2/5
Author: TempestQuill/Cassie
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairing: Isaac Mendez/Claire Bennet, allusions of Peter Petrelli/Simone Deveaux, Isaac Mendez/Simone Deveaux, Hiro Nakamura, Sylar/Gabriel Gray, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker, Noah Bennet, Sandra Bennet, Lyle Bennet, Angela Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, West Rosen, mentions of Daniel Linderman
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 eventually, teenage girl angst, het, slight underage, mentions of minor character death (OC), funky timelines, minor OOC...
Word Count: 22,872 Over All
Spoilers: Season 1 and some characters from Season 2, a minor spoiler for the Season 3 premier
Disclaimer: Heroes is Tim Kring's intellectual playground, I'm just roaming through his sandbox for a little while. No profits being made, this is just for kicks and giggles.
Summary: He's just the ex-junkie painter who happens to paint the future, she's the indestructible cheerleader good at playing the part of damsel in distress, but there is a messenger from the future who could change all of that...
Notes: This is my first time playing in the Heroes' fandom, hope you enjoy! Don't forget to review! Oh and this was reviewed by my Aunt Julianna, who was invaluable to this project, further notes and my apology to her in the author notes that will be attached to part 5.
He expected Simone maybe, but not her. She’s supposed to be in Texas, and that dream he had wasn’t supposed to be real. It’s then that he turns back to face Isaac as the painter blinks, his eyes returning to their normal color, and together they scrutinize the painting. Peter’s eyes widen in shock as he realizes who the people in the painting are, and then Isaac covers it. ONE ---------
Hope you guys enjoyed! More to come soon, and don't forget to stroke the muse's ego with reviews. Provenance is a deviant for feedback. She definitely enjoys taunting and teasing the author...