The Plan (by: h0pefulregret, Sylar/Claire, PGish)

Jan 05, 2010 09:50

TITLE: The Plan
AUTHOR: Jessy {@ IJ ; @ LJ}
PAIRING: Sylar/Claire
RATING: Um... PG? Kinda mild, really.
SPOILERS: Heavy spoilers for 'Upon this rock' and 'Let it bleed'.
SUMMARY: The beginning of a celebration, Sylar style.
NOTES: This was written for this prompt at comment_fic on LiveJournal. It's short, as the replies to the prompts are meant to be, and I wrote it in about ten minutes or so. Any mistakes are mine as it has yet to be beta'd. And, as always, feedback is love!

{ The Plan.}

character: sylar, author: h0pefulregret, rating: pg, character: claire bennet, pairing: sylar/claire

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