All That Remains (by: h0pefulregret, Nathan/Claire, PG to NC-17)

Nov 28, 2009 00:28

Title: All That Remains (11/?)
Author: Jessy (@ IJ ; @ LJ)
Pairing: Nathan/Claire
Rating: Strong R (this part ) ; overall a rating of NC-17 due to one smut scene (Part Three)
Summary: (AU!fic) What do you do when the life you thought you knew turns out to be a lie? Nathan Petrelli and Claire Bennet are about to find out.
Warnings: AU. Incest. Character Death
Word Count: 15k and still climbing
Spoilers: Goes AU after Homecoming. However, bits and pieces through Volume 4 may be used for plot purposes.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I wish they were, but they aren't. So please don't sue!
Notes: As I said in every other part, this is a very AU fic. However, if you've made it this far, then clearly you know the hows and whys, so I'll spare explanations and just say thank you to everyone who has followed this fic and provided such wonderful feedback. I'm sorry this part took so long. I wanted to wrap the story up with this one, but it just didn't happen. Also, I should mention that this part is currently not beta'd so any and all errors are mine. Still, I hope you enjoy and remember: feedback is love!

{ Prologue | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven (NEW!!) }

author: h0pefulregret, rating: nc-17, rating: pg-13, character: nathan petrelli, rating: r, pairing: nathan/claire, rating: pg, character: claire bennet, rating: g

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