Drabble: The Agony of an Instant (PG Peter, Claire)

Nov 14, 2009 12:00

Title: The Agony of an Instant
Author: ridley1013 (originally posted in some places as riane_71 )
Characters: Peter, Claire
Spoilers: Post-Season 01 AU (Vague spoilers for Season 02).
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst
Author Notes: Originally written for Pairechallenge #12 (Breakdown) back in 2007. Unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine. My first ever drabble - hope you like it!
Disclaimer: NBC & Kring own them, not me.

"Grief is the agony of an instant." - Benjamin Disraeli

He doesn't know who he is but he knows her.

character: peter petrelli, author: ridley1013, rating: pg, character: claire bennet

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