Title: A Leopard Cannot Change Her Spots
Author: Dela26
Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content, and the dark, psychotic mind that is Elle Bishop
Summary: Or, The Lost Bishop Files… Elle-centric. Prequel to Electric Firefly and Just Another Day on the Job, though you don‘t necessarily need to read them to enjoy this fic. Multiple other characters will be included, such as hints of Sylar/Gabriel Gray, Claude, Adam Monroe, Bob Bishop, etc. etc.
Author’s Note. This storyline has been stuck in my head all freaking summer long. I tried to get this up in time for the big boom challenge, but am only half way done and real life got in the way. Experimental piece of mine, trying out different writing styles and this is the perfect opportunity to play around. Un-betaed. Reviews=love.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 NEW:
Chapter 4