Title: Unexpected, Take Two
Pairing: Peter/Simone/Isaac
Word Count: 2760
Rating: NC-17
AN: written for
this prompt at
Summary: Simone doesn't get shot, the world is insane, and her boys are having a penis measuring contest. With that in mind, Simone decides to get a bit literal about that third one.
Unexpected, Take Two Title: Speed Dating
Pairing: Daphne/Ando, Daphne/Monica, Daphne/Peter, Daphne/Hiro, Daphne/Hiro/Ando (implied), Daphne/Matt (implied)
Word Count: 1200
Rating: R
Warning: Character death... kinda. No, not a canon one.
AN: written for
this prompt at
Summary: Daphne didn't die on that hillside. Now all she has to do is decide how she wants to live.
Speed Dating