I hope this is okay to post here. I missed the fic exchange, but I hope that the community is still open to unsolicited fic. Because this fandom can use all of the ladies kicking ass as it can get! :D
Title: Four Different Crayons
Summary: In 2023, the four toughest “Millennials” team up to kick some ass.
Pairings: Molly/Micah, and the M3 family is taken for granted as still existing.
Notes: This is set in the same continuity as
And Happiness is Coming Home Again, only about three years earlier.
And thanks to
koala_motchi for support and a beta read. And for convincing me that “AC/DC” is a better codename for Elle than “Short Circuit”
x-posted to
heroes_fic, and my personal writing journal
word_play_sam (
You girls aren't getting into any trouble, are you? )