The Zombie Diaries (Sylar, Mohinder, Nathan, Peter, Hiro, Claire, Noah Bennet), PG

Jun 03, 2008 01:03

Title: The Zombie Diaries 
Rating: PG
Words: 1850
Characters: Ensemble (Sylar, Mohinder, Nathan, Peter, Hiro, Claire, Noah Bennet)
Warnings: Crack. Crack. More crack. Probable OOC behavior. Some implied character deaths, but nothing graphic.
Spoilers: Through the end of S2
Disclaimer: Not my characters, not writing this for profit.
A/N: What happens when you're kind of down, and you drink a couple glasses of wine, and then decide to write some crack? Apparently, this is what happens.

Summary: What if zombies suddenly started taking over the world, and the various Heroes were working together to fight them? And kept diaries as they did so? Maybe, it might go something like this.

I, Nathan Petrelli, being of sound mind and body...well, that’s not exactly true, is it? ) 

character: claire bennet, author: squills, character: hiro nakamura, character: peter petrelli, character: nathan petrelli, character: sylar, rating: pg, character: mohinder suresh, character: mr. bennet (hrg/noah)

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