Pillows and Politicans (Part 2)

May 26, 2008 12:26

Title: Pillows and Politicans (Part 2)
Fandom: Movieverses!Iron Man/Spider-man/Heroes/Doctor Who/Life on Mars
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 2893
Rating: R
Characters and Pairing: Nathan Petrelli/Tony Stark/Harold Saxon (Sam Tyler), Nelson, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Random Blonde Chick. Hints at Sam/Gene and Nathan/Peter.
Warnings: Language, Slightly (ok, quite) twisted, humour
Spoilers: Spider-man 2, Iron Man, Up to episode 1.13 for Heroes, Master episodes of Doctor Who and a basic idea of Life on Mars.
Summary: At a benefit for his campagin, Nathan Petrelli attempts to gain money and influence from two very influenetial men. 
Notes: Takes place Oct/Nov 2006, so Tony Stark isn't Iron Man. Nathan is looking for Peter who is off having adventures with an invisible man. Harold Saxon isn't running yet and he is actually Sam Tyler too. I've always wanted to write a Master!Sam fic so here it is. Also, this story is what came into my brain after seeing Iron Man. I might be crazy, but Tony Stark is too.

Part 1

Because two of the most renowned men in the world were going to be there and if he had their support - and capital - well, Nathan would win: simple as that, he thought. )

character: nathan petrelli, author: meli_64, rating: r, !crossover

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