"Salvation" R, Peter/Claire, ensemble (22A/23)

May 18, 2008 15:56

Title: "Salvation"
Rating: R
Characters: Peter/Claire (AU), ensemble
Summary: They stopped the exploding man 3 years ago in New York. But this time, the enemy is more dangerous, the obstacles more intense. Are they ready for the ultimate battle?
Spoilers: AU after 1.11 Fallout
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, just borrowing. All NBC’s and Tim Kring’s. Please don’t sue!

Author’s Notes: Sequel to "My Cheerleader, My World". This fic won't make sense unless you read My Cheerleader, My World first.

As always, feedback is love!

Previously, on Salvation ...

(He swore afterwards that he literally heard his heart shatter into a million pieces.)

x-posted to paire_love

character: claire bennet, pairing: claire/peter, author: eowyn_girl, rating: r, character: peter petrelli

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