Peace by Piece, Chapter 3 - Control

May 16, 2008 23:58

Title:  Peace by Piece - 3/4 - Control
Rating:  PG-13 to be safe
Warnings:  Gen!fic, some attempts at science
Word Count:  About 1,750
Spoilers:  Everything--this is an AU set some months after "Powerless."
Disclaimer:  I own none of this, nor am I profiting from writing it.
Summary:  Mohinder has tests to run, even though Sylar already knows the results.

Notes:  This story lives!  Various forces had conspired to stop me from getting this finished, and I apologize for the delay.  Also, there are answers in this chapter!  They may cause more questions, though.  But I have deicided that there will only be four chapters to this piece, instead of five, so all will be revealed in the next installment.  As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, and you can neither frighten nor offend me.

Peace by Piece, Chapter 3 - Control

In case you missed them or have forgotten them, the first two parts are here and here.


rating: pg13, character: sylar, author: etoile_dunord, character: mohinder suresh

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