Fics: 5 short fic bits

Apr 26, 2008 00:21

TITLES: (1) Priorities, (2) Memory and Dream, (3) Somebody Hates Me, (4) Reciprocity, (5) Welcome to No York
AUTHOR: barhaven
CHARACTERS: Sylar, Mohinder, Virginia, Elle, Peter, Gabriel (gen)
RATINGS: PG-13 at the most
SPOILERS: If you've seen season 2, you're fine for all of them.
WARNINGS: Nothing beyond a little gore and angst. 1 has a touch of Silent Hill, and 5 is a crossover with Un Lun Dun.
SUMMARY: Five things written for a music-based fic meme. In order: (1) random gore, (2) Sylar talking to his mother under different circumstances, (3) Sylar and Mohinder snarking at each other about making enemies, (4) Mohinder and Elle exchanging information, and (5) Peter meeting someone who's not quite Sylar, in a place that's not quite New York, and firmly denying the existence of, uh...carnivorous giraffes.

( 1) Priorities )

( 2) Memory and Dream )

( 3) Somebody Hate Me )

( 4) Reciprocity )

( 5) Welcome to No York )

rating: pg13, character: gabriel gray, character: elle bishop, character: sylar, character: peter petrelli, character: mrs. gray (virginia), character: mohinder suresh

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