Title: The Heroes Bride (7/?)
Characters/Pairings: Overall, Peter, Claude, Bennet, Adam, Mohinder, Sylar; In this chapter Peter, Adam, Elle, and more!. Oh, I'm excited.
Summary: My version of The Princess Bride, with assorted Heroes characters, centering on Plaude. In this chapter: unconscious!Peter, Adam, Elle, Matt, Mohinder, Niki, and Thompson.
Rating: PG13 in this part.
Warnings: Some implications of sexual activity. Sorta.
Spoilers: Pretty much nothing for the show, and lots for the movie.
A/N: Sorry it's been so long since the last one! I'd promise faster updates but once I do that I definitely won't manage them, so...sorry.
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Heroes or The Princess Bride, and, in fact, owe the creators of both my eternal gratitude.
Special thanks to
c_quinn, as always.
Previous Chapters Chapter 7