The Heroes Bride (6/?)

Mar 24, 2008 15:17

Title: The Heroes Bride (6/?)
Characters/Pairings: Overall, Peter, Claude, Bennet, Adam, Mohinder, Sylar; In this chapter Peter, Adam, Elle, and more!. Oh, I'm excited.
Summary: My version of The Princess Bride, with assorted Heroes characters, centering on Plaude. In this chapter, some Peter/Adam and Peter/Elle bonding. And the appearance of, um, five other Heroes characters. And a return to the Princess Bride storyline. And a history lesson! Woo!
Rating: Overall, won't get beyond R, probably not PG-13 even. PG in this part.
Warnings: Uh. PG level violence? At the very end? Yeah, that's about it. Oh, and the...the length might be a problem.
Spoilers: Pretty much nothing for the show, and lots for the movie.
A/N: Finally, something more exciting and surprisingly long. Uh. The chapter, I mean. *cough*
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Heroes or The Princess Bride, and, in fact, owe the creators of both my eternal gratitude.

Special thanks to c_quinn, as always.

Previous Chapters

Chapter 6

(At my journal, and crossposted to heroes_fic, heroes_slash, and peterandclaude)

character: niki sanders, character: adam monroe, character: peter petrelli, character: thompson, author: visiblemarket, character: sylar, character: elle bishop, rating: pg, character: matt parkman, character: mohinder suresh, pairing: claude/peter

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