Penance, Mohinder & Maya & OC, PG

Mar 18, 2008 22:16

Title: Penance
Rating: PG
Words: 1600
Characters: Maya, Mohinder, an unnamed OC
Warnings: Character death (not graphic). Angst.
Spoilers: Vaguely, for all of season 2
Disclaimer: Not my characters, not writing this for profit.
A/N: This was originally written for the
mission_insane challenge, table/prompt: Cliché: Sacrifice.

Summary: Maya isn't expecting the chance she's offered to pay the debt she thinks she owes her brother.

( She knows that Mohinder pities her, but he also trusts her, even though he shouldn’t. )

character: maya herrera, author: squills, rating: pg, character: oc, character: mohinder suresh, character: omc

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