All the People We Used to Know, Part 7/12

Feb 01, 2008 08:49

Title: All the People We Used to Know (7/12)
Sequel to: The Price of a Memory
Pairings: Peter/Claude
Rating: R
Warnings: slash, AU, loosely holiday-related, starts out on the fluffy side but doesn’t stay that way, liberties taken with the Season Two timeline of events, possible inconsistency with canon materials not aired on television
Spoilers: AU after the end of Season One, but through Season Two just to be safe.
Summary: Six months after the events of The Price of a Memory, Claude finds himself participating under protest in a Petrelli family gathering. But more is going on than meets the eye and soon Claude and Peter are faced with a difficult decision.
Disclaimer: Heroes and the associated characters don’t belong to me.
Previous Parts: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six

All the People We Used to Know, Part 7/12

rating: r, character: claude rains, character: peter petrelli, author: origamifrog23, pairing: claude/peter

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