Nothing Happened in 1996 (Peter/Isaac, PG-13)

Dec 29, 2007 11:07

Title: Nothing Happened in 1996
Author: fakeplasticsnow
Characters/Pairing: Peter/Isaac, various OCs
Rating: PG-13 for language, alcohol and sexual references
Prompt: un_love_you 17. Wish I didn't love you. (Table here); 5drunkfics forget (Table here); 12_stories 08. Apart (Table here)
Word count: 4246
Summary: Peter discovers that there's a wrong place and a wrong time for everything, and that Isaac has a ridiculously short memory span.
Timeline: high school AU
Genre: Slash

( We've got our arms on each other and we're looking at each other in this weird Kodak moment, and I can't help but burst into laughter, both because I'm high, and because I never have Kodak moments with anyone. )

Cross-posted to: un_love_you, 5drunkfics, 12_stories, rare_heroes, heroes_isaac, heroes_fic, heroes_slash, heroes_love (sorry for the spammage!)

author: fakeplasticsnow, rating: pg13, character: peter petrelli, character: oc, character: isaac mendez, pairing: isaac/peter

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