"The Messengers" Peter/Caitlin, Rated PG

Dec 11, 2007 09:39

Title: The Messengers
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Caitlin-centric, Peter/Caitlin, Hiro+Caitlin, Claire+Caitlin
Word Count: 2,331
Spoilers: Takes place around "Powerless"
Notes: I confess, I'm not the biggest fan of canon ships, but I do think that Caitlin got a bum deal when it came to the stories of strong female characters. So I got inspired to give her some peace of mind (and for me too). This is also dedicated to nayden who has been missed very badly in the Heroes fandom.

Summary: They can all try to stop her, but she won't give up on seeing Peter again.

( The Messengers)

character: claire bennet, author: quirkysmuse, character: hiro nakamura, pairing: caitlin/peter, character: caitlin, rating: pg, character: peter petrelli

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