tags faq

Nov 29, 2007 19:39

We're finally all caught up on tags (again!), so now seemed to be the best time to put this up. We actively encourage you all to let us know if there are other questions or clarifications that need answering or...clarification. Or if you have suggestions, we'd be happy to hear them.

Keep in mind that we're not going to kick you out for not using tags correctly or at all. We're aiming for the most stream-lined, efficient community we can have, and we understand that that's our responsibility, not yours. You're just here for the fic, dammit! Right? :D

Tags are the easiest way for us to create a system where readers can quickly find what they're looking for. The better tagged your fic is, the more likely that people will find it, even when it's months later and piled under hundreds of new posts.

What happens to my 'author' tag if I change journals/switch usernames?

Feel free to leave us a comment here or shoot us an e-mail at the addresses listed in the userinfo (just take your pick of mods to contact) with both your old and new username. We'll switch the tags so all of your stories come up under the same name. We'll assume that you want them all to be tagged with your new username, but if that isn't the case, and you'd prefer the tags to remain in your old name, feel free to say so.

How do you deal with tags regarding one person who has multiple aliases or whose name isn't known? (Sylar is known throughout the series as Sylar, Gabriel, and Zane; Adam is known as Takezo Kensei; Noah Bennet is only referred to as Bennet or Mr. Bennet for nearly the whole first season, etc.)

For the most part, each alias will have its own tag (Adam has both 'character: adam' and 'character: takezo kensei'.) However, as Noah Bennet has always been Noah Bennet, regardless of our knowledge of his name, his tag is simply 'character: mr. bennet.'

Sylar is trickier, and although he's had three known aliases in the series, he currently only has 'character: sylar' and 'character: gabriel.' The 'character: zane' tag is for the character Zane, not Sylar-as-Zane. So far, there haven't been any complaints.

Should you post a fic and find that the current tags are inadequate (for example, you write a story where Sylar takes on the personality and characteristics of Zane and ceases to be Sylar), you are welcome to request the new tag here or at the e-mail addresses in the userinfo.

As for characters who are introduced without a name or haven't been introduced, we'll use what seems to be the most common usage in fandom until we discover their name. For example, The Haitian is listed under 'character: the haitian', and although we haven't met her, Elle's mother is listed as 'character: elle's mother.' Thanks to LJ's Manage Tags system, it's easy to go back later and rename the tag if necessary.

When should I use the !ensemble tag?

As with everything, you as the author will know most about your fic and how to label it. Even if there's only five characters in the fic, if you consider it an ensemble, then feel free to label it as such.

Should I tag my own fic, or let the mods do it?

As with everything in life, the less work we have to do, the better! :D Coming across a fully, appropriately tagged fic during our day's logging is a welcome sight. However, we understand that not all authors are prone to using tags or understand the system we use.

The best advice we can offer is to fill out your fic header as fully as possible, so that if you don't add the tags yourself, we can tag it appropriately.

When is it appropriate to use the 'character: omc', 'character: ofc', 'character: oc', and omc/ofc/oc pairing tags?

We use the omc/ofc/oc tags here to represent 'original character', not 'other.' The omc/ofc/oc tags can be used to denote a character of your own design.

We do understand that occasionally, a fic is written wherein a character or pairing is left obscured until the end or isn't named at all. In this instance, you can use the 'other' tags that are currently available, or request one that meets your requirements.

Why are there tags for Nathan/Peter, but not Peter/Nathan? (And other variations?)

In an effort to make tags easy for both readers, writers, and mods, we only have one tag for each pairing, regardless of how the author chooses to arrange the names before and after the slash. The pairing tag for Nathan/Peter does not indicate that the stories tagged with it are about Nathan topping Peter, it only indicates that the fic contains a romantic/sexual relationship between the two.

Pairing tags are always done alphabetically, including tags for threesomes or moresomes. Even if a fic is labeled 'Elle/Peter/Adam', it will be tagged as 'Adam/Elle/Peter' so that the character names are in order alphabetically.

How are pairings/threesomes/moresomes denoted in tags?

Although there isn't a specific tag that denotes a fic as a threesome, if you scroll through the tags list, you'll see that a few tags have been created with two slashes between three names, which indicates a threesome.

Authors, please keep in mind that filling in a header this way (Elle/Peter/Adam, for example) indicates to us that all three characters are involved in a relationship with each other at the same time. If the fic was about a relationship between Elle and Peter, and a relationship between Adam and Peter, it's best to indicate this by dividing up the pairings (Elle/Peter, Adam/Peter.)

What if I use a different ratings system?

We use the MPAA rating system, which is G-NC17. The tags reflect this, and if you know approximately what your rating converts to in the MPAA system, we would really appreciate you selecting the appropriate tag. However, we do know the conversions as well, and will use the correct tag when we make it to your story.

How do the 'character: ' tags work?

If a character is mentioned in the summary as having a part in the fic, we add that tag. We prefer that only the characters who have a significant part in the fic be added to the header and tags, since someone looking for an Ando-centric fic or at least a fic that features him will probably be frustrated or disappointed if they click the tag and end up with fifteen stories where Ando makes one appearance/has one line/is mentioned briefly.

Why can't I change/remove tags after I add them?

Members can add tags, but only maintainers can change them. We have it set up like this for a reason, but if you need a tag removed or changed, here is the place to ask!

Why can't I create a new tag?

Only mods can create new tags. That way, we know that all the tags are created similarly, and we don't run the risk of duplicate tags just worded differently or with character names in different order. In addition, with the current Livejournal policy of only allowing 1000 unique tags to be used in a journal or community, it's important we keep an eye on what new tags are created.

If you need an author, pairing, or character tag created, please feel free to drop a comment here or contact us at the e-mail addresses listed in the userinfo.

You tagged my fic wrong! aka Why do you suck?

Unfortunately, even the mods are human, and we do make mistakes. The best way for you to make sure we're not labeling your fic incorrectly is to routinely click on your author tag and peruse the tags attributed to your entries. If we added the wrong characters, pairings, or rating, feel free to let us know, loudly. And if we added the wrong author, well, you'll never know because it won't pop up when you click your author tag, now will it? ;)

You can find our tags list here.

Other questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to comment here or e-mail us.

This is also the place to drop a comment if you need a tag that isn't in existence yet, have changed your username and thus need a new 'author: ' tag, need a tag changed or removed from your post, or find an error in the existing tags.

faq, modly: admin

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