Title: Sins of the Father
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Victoria, Angela
Summary: "All you can do now is make sure that your son never has to suffer for his father's sins or his mother's mistakes."
Spoilers: Massive ones for episode 2x10, other than that just speculation and wishful thinking.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I think we're all in agreement that Kring needs to give me a damn job. But until he wises up and does that, they're not mine.
Dedication: To Jayne (nayden) who is still not around and still very missed by all of us. Jayne, if you're reading this, please come back!
Note: This fic assumes that Angela's power is some sort of manipulation. Similar to Eden's, but in addition to influencing people to do things, she can also influence them to believe and even remember things that never happened. I may be way off, but it works for the purposes of this story. Just go with it and gimme some feedback, mmmkay?
"Believe me, Angela, you could not possibly be any angrier at me than I am at myself."