You Picked Yourself Some Beautiful Cucumbers Mrs Clancy, You Have the Cucumber Eye

Nov 28, 2007 01:35

Title: You Picked Yourself Some Beautiful Cucumbers Mrs Clancy, You Have the Cucumber Eye
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 1101
Rating: PG
Characters and Pairing: Peter, Nathan, Heidi
Warnings: Mmm...Pop culture and TV/Movie references
Spoilers: Did you know Peter had dreams about exploding? Then you're fine.
Summary: Peter calls Nathan in the middle of the night to tell him of the strange and scary dream he had.
Notes: CRACK! Pure tele crack. It's slightly based off two different episodes of Gilmore Girls, but you don't really need to have seen them to get it, you'll just laugh harder. It also references past works of the actors who play the characters mentioned above. Title comes from the Gilmore Girls episode, "The Real Paul Anka." It's what Paul Anka's line is, and really, I just find it funny.

“You weren’t just a vampire. You were a cowboy vampire.” )

character: heidi petrelli, character: nathan petrelli, author: meli_64, rating: pg, character: peter petrelli

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