One Of Your Sins - Sylar/Maya (Sylar POV)

Nov 25, 2007 17:45

Title: One Of Your Sins
Author: force-oblique
Rating: PG, Angsty, allusions of character death
Table/Prompt: Table #7," hold"
Disclaimer: I dont own Sylar or Maya! :P
Characters/Pairings: Sylar/Maya - mention of other characters , Sylar's POV
Word Count: 867
Summary: Sylar’s Feelings for Maya’s power as they drive towards Mohinder.
Author's Notes: It Is A bit Disturbed and probably the weirdest thing I have ever written, so if it is crappy, please be gentle. I blame it on the fact that I am sick.
Crossposted at my fiction/lyrics lj@souls-eclipse, heroes-fic and heroes-sylar,sylar-maya, gabriel-maya
Huge thanks to dana-serenity & ghost-goodthing for their valuable help!

I relish at your trust, your devotion, your ignorance. But those are not the words I am seeking. The word I seek is innocence.

character: maya herrera, character: sylar, rating: pg, author: force_oblique, pairing: maya/sylar

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