Title: My Brother’s Keeper
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some language
Spoilers: All of Season 1, and be cautious of Season 2 stuff; this story was actually written back in June so anything I wrote was Season 2 speculation, and apparently I must be Isaac Mendez or something because some stuff actually became cannon.
Genre: Action/Adventure
Summary: After the explosion, sinister forces are hunting an amnesiac Peter. One is an angry superpowered sibling who expects retribution for a certain death he played a part in. The others are less obvious to him but far more deadly.
In this Issue of My Brother’s Keeper: Peter fights fatigue and fever as pieces of his life start falling into place; Noah worries about Claire’s obsession; Archer compromises his professional and moral integrity using information on Gabriel’s death and Peter; Grace meets “her biggest fan…”
My Brother’s Keeper: Issue #5