Ain't Nothin' Like Sex on a Halloween Afternoon - Drabble Request

Oct 30, 2007 22:33

Title: Ain’t Nothin’ Like Sex on a Halloween Afternoon
Characters/Pairings: Sylar/Claire
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Shameless PWP. And crack. And fluff. I know. What’s wrong with me?
Word Count: 636
Spoiler Alert: None, really.
Summary:“I was hoping that you would’ve given up on this whole dressing up for Halloween idea that you had,” Sylar said. “It’s so…pedestrian.”
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.
A/N: A Halloween!Porn fic for freetheelves2. And forgive the strange title. I couldn’t think of anything.

Sylar scowled at her, which somehow did not have the same terrifying effect with the pink bunny ears placed lop-sided on his head.

character: claire bennet, character: sylar, pairing: claire/sylar, rating: nc17, author: tju_tju_tju_tju

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