"It's Just A Session" PG-13, Peter/Claire (Part I)

Oct 30, 2007 21:51

Title: "It's Just A Session" (sequel to "It's Just A Conversation")
Rating: PG-13 (minor swearing)
Characters: Peter/Claire (canon, but oh so clean)
Summary: "One week is apparently a really long time when an uncle and niece have requited feelings for each other that are definitely un-uncle/niece like." Peter and Claire are being smart about this. They've decided to see a shrink.
Spoilers: General spoilers for Season 1; assume up to 2.05 Fight or Flight
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, just borrowing. All NBC’s and Tim Kring’s. Please don’t sue! 
LJ Disclaimer: Situations depicted in this story are entirely fictional and should not be taken to promote any illegal or morally ambiguous activities. 
Author’s Notes: Continuing to explore the reality of what being in love with your uncle or niece means. Just popped out of the blue (as these things tend to do). I'd definitely suggesting reading "It's Just A Conversation" first.

Feedback is love!

Peter clears his throat again and she wants to throttle him. Can’t he say something? Why does she have to do all the talking? This is his shrink, isn’t it?  )

x-posted to

character: claire bennet, pairing: claire/peter, author: eowyn_girl, rating: pg13, character: peter petrelli

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