(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 18:24

Title: Subtext
Pairings: Sendhil/Zach (unrequited)
Rating: PG
Summary: Sendhil is worried about the amount of Mylar out there on the net. Zach is amused by it. They don't see eye to eye, so sad.. so sad..
Word Count: 560
Author Notes: I don't normally write RPF.. I don't know where this came from. Also, I'm gonna take a moment to pimp the Sylar Ficathon. Okay, moment's over, back to the fic.

The dark skinned man entered his co-star's trailer, holding a stack of printed papers. With him, Sendhil brought a mood that was both serious and troublesome. Something was up. “Zachary, we need to talk about this.”

Zach, who had been playing with his dog, pushed the mutt aside. “What is it? Is this about the new change in the script? I guess the writers liked my suggestion about Sylar going to hunt down Mohinder. It'll give us more screen time together.”

Sendhil handed over the stack of papers he was carrying and then crossed his arms, leaning against the wall of the trailer. He shook his head. “It's this Sylindar/Mylar stuff on the Internet. Its upsetting my wife.”

Zach smirked, reading through a scene where Mohinder was taking Sylar to bed, if only he had the time he might have written something quite like this himself. He shrugged. “The audience is only picking up on our screen chemistry.” He smiled up at Sendhil, “I can't help it if they think we'd be cute together.”

“You're playing up the subtext. Creating subtext out of nothing.” Sendhil raised his hands, this argument having been played out between them for far too long. “I've asked you time and again, not to play the scenes this way.”

The younger boy stood up, facing Sendhil. “I'm not trying to.. I mean, it's not part of some master plan. I just--” He wondered if he should dare reach out, dare touch the face that filled his dreams at night and his waking thoughts during the day. Doing the safe thing, he sighed and turned away, hurrying to the small kitchen of the trailer to put some distance between them. He sighed and muttered, "Nevermind."

Sendhil was married, with a daughter no less. He shouldn't be having these thoughts about him, there were others out there that he could have. Women fell at his feet. Dania and Kristian were good in bed and they looked great standing next to him on the red carpet. He hated himself for feeling this way, but you can't choose who you fall in love with. “I'm sorry, Sendhil. I'll play it down. There won't be anymore subtext.”

Sendhil was silent for a moment, before replying adding a measured grace to his words. “I know why you're doing this, Zach. Why our audience is picking up on this thing between our characters.”

Zach froze, every muscle pulled tense. Those feelings had never been voiced, the thoughts he'd kept buried inside never shared. Sendhil couldn't possibly know. He didn't want to be here for this conversation, if the other man knew it would ruin their friendship. Why didn't the earth ever open up and swallow you when you needed it to?

“You're a very lovely man. Had I only met you years ago, when I was going through.. that phase.. perhaps things would have ended differently. As it stands now, I can't pursue a relationship with you. I'm sorry.”

Their eyes met, an understanding growing between them. Then Sendhil left with no further words, leaving Zach alone and depressed. If only Hiro wasn't a fictional character, they could have definitely used some time travel right about now. As things were, that dream was over.

He grabbed a beer from the small fridge, plopping back down on the couch.

Life really sucked sometimes.


pairing: (rpf) sendhil/zachary, character: (actor) sendhil ramamurthy, author: vampedvixen, !real person fic, rating: pg, character: (actor) zachary quinto

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