Heroes fic: Exodus 4/4. Gen. PG-13

Oct 09, 2007 08:56

Title: Exodus
Author: Eustacia Vye
E-Mail: eutstacia_vye28@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: Kring et al owns them all. I just like playing with other people's toys.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Warnings: Post "How to Stop an Exploding Man." Eventual mentions of Sylar activities and violence. The idea for this came after the Season 1 ending, but Real Life is hectic, and it's not complete until now. No spoilers to Season 2.
Summary: The Boogeyman isn't dead, but Molly may have found someone that can help them get away from the Boogeyman.


Part 1 - Setting the Stage
Part 2 - Mounting Tensions
Part 3 - Lightning Storm

Part Four - Confrontation

rating: pg13, character: sylar, character: molly walker, author: eustacia_vye28

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