Revelations pt 20

Sep 20, 2007 15:57

Title: Revelations
Author: SLynn
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairs: Ensemble, Matt, Peter/Claire
Spoilers: AU after "Fallout"
Beta By: tripp3235
Disclaimer: I’m just borrowing and will return them all when I’m done, virtually untouched.

In the end is the beginning. Part three of my 'Apocalypse' arc. The entire timeline can be found HERE!

Previous chapters for just this story found HERE!

x-posted heroes_fic/paire_love

Chapter 20!

character: claire bennet, pairing: claire/peter, rating: pg13, !ensemble, author: slynn6776, character: peter petrelli, character: matt parkman

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