Heroes: Runaways (2/?)

Sep 19, 2007 17:46

Title: Heroes: Runaways (Part 2/?)

Disclaimer: Heroes owned by NBC, Runaways concept owned by Marvel.

Summary: Kidnapping and running away seems a reasonable reaction if one discovers one’s parents are supervillains, in any universe.

Characters: Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Angela Petrelli, Kaito Nakamura, Hiro Nakamura, Charles Deveaux, Simone Deveaux, Mr. Linderman, Niki Sanders.

Rating: PG

Author’s note: This is what encouragement of insane plot bunnies results in. Also, despite appearances, this is not an AU. (All will be explained in later parts; for now, I’ll just say that the Heroes universe has a couple of canonical devices which come in handy that way.)

Part I

Follow the cut

character: niki sanders, character: angela petrelli, character: hiro nakamura, character: kaito nakamura, character: charles deveaux, character: linderman (daniel), character: peter petrelli, character: simone deveaux, character: nathan petrelli, rating: pg, author: selenak

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