fic; Live Together, Die Alone; PG

Sep 16, 2007 13:44

Title: Live Together, Die Alone
Characters/Pairings: Matt/Audrey
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers Up to the Season 1 Finale.
Summary: Matt leaves Janice after she has another man's baby. Audrey lets him sleep at her house after he gets the divorce papers. The arrangements were never meant to be permanent...

Every time Janice and Matt fought they would treat each other with the silent treatment for a couple days until Matt gave in and tried to fix things. Time after time, when Janice cheated on him Matt would be the one trying to mend broken hearts. But every couple has a point of no return. It was completely understandable the when Janice got pregnant a second time and the tests told Matt it wasn’t his child, he asked for a divorce. He had finally given up trying to fix things.

“You can stay here.” I had told him after he finished telling me the story. “I’ve got a futon you can sleep on.” Matt was thankful and had even made breakfast the next day, “banana nut pancakes; your favorite.”, for me. It was sweet, but all I gave him in return was a sharp thanks. He always knows what goes unsaid, whether he truly is telepathic or not.

Matt believes he is telepathic. Sometimes I think he is, others I just think he’s a good guesser. In any case he thinks Matthew, his son, is going to develop some kind of ‘ability’ as well. When I asked if he would read minds like Matt -giving him the benefit of the doubt- he gave me a certain ‘no’. He explained his answer by talking about families he met during his trip to New York. Matt said that a Dr. Suresh told him not to worry, the abilities would come whenever they would. A girl who I had met only once, Molly Walker, had told the doctor she had realized her powers only a couple years ago. She was only ten years old at the time.

Throughout the passing years I learned a lot about Molly. She certainly could be a very helpful girl. Whenever Matt and I had an emergency Matt would ask her very nicely if she was feeling well enough to locate their criminal. She was always right so I learned to trust Molly’s ‘instinct’, as I called it. I reasoned that calling it a ‘superpower’ or ‘ability’ just seemed childish. This wasn’t a comic-book, it's real life.

Years passed and Molly grew up, her instinct as well at Matt’s had evolved. I couldn’t really deny the fact that Matt was telepathic when I could hear his voice in my own head. And that had happened at a time when I didn’t think anything else could surprise me. I had witnessed Claire come back to life after being crushed by a 16-wheeler, I’d seen Micah hack into one of the most secured databases no hacker to-date had been able to get their greedy fingers on. Even seeing Peter disappear and reappear in front of me had been a shocker. After all this happened I was certain nothing else could ever surprised me, until Matt kissed me. That had been completely unexpected.

I realized that we had been living together for about six years. We worked together, lived together, ate together, it was seldom that we weren’t together. We were live together, die alone partners. I realized that I should have seen this coming. I reacted to the kiss like any other partner who knew they couldn’t live without Matt by their side; I kissed him back.

character: audrey hanson, rating: pg13, author: jessieflower, rating: pg, character: matt parkman, pairing: audrey/matt

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